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MELISA forms & Customs documents

You should have all the paperwork available in your test kit but if something is missing you can download the required forms below.

United States - regular test kit

Please follow the instructions: 
Introductory Guide (regular test kit)
Shipping instructions US (regular test kit)

MELISA requisition form – goes inside the test kit box with your samples:
MELISA Metals Requisition form US
MELISA Lyme Requisition form US

Instructions for blood draw:
Guide for Phlebotomists

Customs documents required for sending blood from the United States:
3 x Pro-forma Invoice US
Declaration of Biological Shipments
Customs Declaration Letter InVitaLab US


United States - winter test kit

Please follow the instructions: Shipping instructions US (winter test kit)

Customs documents required for sending blood from the United States:

3 x Pro-forma Invoice US
Declaration of Biological Shipments
Customs Declaration Letter InVitaLab US

MELISA requisition form – goes inside the test kit box with your samples
MELISA Metals Requisition form US (winter)
MELISA Lyme Requisition form US (winter)


Canada - regular test kit

Please follow the instructions: Shipping instructions Canada (regular test kit)

Customs documents required for sending blood from Canada:
3 x Pro-forma Invoice Canada
Declaration of Biological Shipments
Customs Declaration Letter InVitaLab Canada

MELISA requisition form – goes inside the test kit box with your samples
MELISA Metals Requisition form Canada
MELISA Lyme Requisition form Canada