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Online questionnaire

MELISA Questionnaire

MELISA measures Type-IV hypersensitivity to metals, a condition which has been found present in patients suffering from various diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis and various autoimmune conditions. An immunological reaction to metals can be mild or acute and can manifest itself in many ways.

Completing this questionnaire will allow us to check for the typical signs of hypersensitivity and to provide you with a complete, personalised list of metals which could be tested.



1. Personal details

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2. Your dental record

Dental restorations are a common cause of metal hypersensitivity

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3. Metal exposure

Healthcare advances have introduced metals into a whole range of new devices and products, from implantable devices and orthopedic devices to toothpastes and foods. This section covers some of the most common sources of exposure

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3.1 Occupational Exposure

Workplace exposure is a common trigger for metal hypersensitivity. Certain occupations pose a special risk for metal exposure such as: construction workers, electricians, aircraft workers, hairdressers, wood and paper industry workers, painters, metal workers, textile industry workers, dentists and dental technicians.

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3.2 Tattoos

Different colour tattoos may contain different metals. Red may be mercury-based and white is titanium-dioxide based for instance .

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3.4 Smoking

Smoking and vaping will expose you to multiple metals

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3.5 Jewellery and cosmetics

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3.6 Diet

Certain foods are high in nickel, fish from polluted sources may be high in mercury and titanium dioxide is used in some foods to brighten its appearance

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3.7 Additional exposure

Some brands of nose and eye drops use thimerosal, a mercury containing substance as a preservative. Some contact lens solutions also contain thimerosal. Vaccines may contain aluminium as an adjuvant. None of the COVID-19 vaccines contain either thimerosal or aluminium as of May 2021

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4. Patch testing

Some dermatologists and allergists use patch testing to diagnose metal hypersensitivity though it may have irritative side effects

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5. Your home

Some areas are more polluted than others and may have higher levels of metal vapours

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6. For women

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7. Allergies

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8. Your health

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9. Your family's health

Metal hypersensitivity appears to have a genetic component. Please include information about close relatives; parents, siblings or children (include grandparents and grandchildren if you consider necessary)

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10. Medication

Some medication may affect the MELISA blood test. Patients should not be taking any immune suppressive drugs such as steroids. Always check with the prescribing doctor before stopping any medication.

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11. Any additional information

The complex nature of metal allergies means it may manifest itself in ways not addressed by the above questions. If you have any unexplained symptoms, any other information you feel relevant, please detail as much as you can below..

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