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MELISA Newsletter

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Dr Dzifa Dordunoo and her team of researchers continue to expose the lack of knowledge surrounding metal hypersensitivity in the healthcare system. With two new publications they ensure that patients who suffer after receiving metal containing implants have their stories told. Please share so this important information is not lost! 

Another indication that health effects from metals is not being taken seriously are highlighted by a review of mercury and Parkinson’s Disease; although many links exists, studies into the matter have low priority. The results of such research could have very important implications considering that millions of people have amalgam fillings.

Need we mention that titanium hypersensitivity is also often overlooked, partly due to limited access to appropriate testing, such as MELISA? The good news is that health problems associated with titanium often disappear once the implant is removed or replaced.

Finally, The Heavily Metalled Podcast works tirelessly to make metal hypersensitivity testing on everyone's radar. This week we feature a two-part episode specifically dealing with the hows and whys of MELISA testing as well as a thrilling interview with a surgeon who removed clips left after gallbladder surgery.