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  • ALERT: Do not send your samples for MELISA testing to the lab in Germany due to the closure of the lab. More information HERE.


Order DHL

Book DHL collection of your samples

Fill in the form below and we will arrange the pickup of your samples for MELISA testing.

You will be provided with shipping documents by email once your shipment is arranged. Please make sure to confirm your pickup using the link provided in the email. You will need to print documents and hand them over together with the package at collection.

Please note that it is not possible to drop off medical samples at a DHL service point. 

Detailed shipping instructions are included with the test kit, please follow them carefully.

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Please note that blood must be collected and shipped with DHL on the same day, Monday or Tuesday only.

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Please note that the pickup time is approximate and the courier may arrive later during the day than the scheduled collection time. If you are leaving later on that day please make sure that someone else is able to hand over the package to the courier. We can take no responsibility for DHL not turning up at the preferred time. DHL states that the booked time is "advisory". Not all slots are available for all locations.

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